The complete

marketing & sales suite to

Engage, re-engage, then engage again.


We specialize in the moments of contact between your business and customers.

Every touchpoint, both in-person & online.

Communication tools that help you relate.

Email, SMS, Social Media, Voice, Website, Booking, Appointments, e-Commerce & Point of Sale all provide pieces of a larger picture about your customer. You can collect information about how customers interact with your business in order to better engage & build lasting relationships.

You already have access to so much information about your customers

How are you using it?

We’ll help you drive success with relevant data, collected across all channels. Purchase leads, identify market segments and create individual customer specific messaging from one centralized platform .

Trigger a personalized experience everywhere.

Segments make it easy to set up targeted campaigns, but combined with triggers, you can create a truly unique experience for each customer. Set emails, text messages, and voice calls to send based on customer initiated events, like making a purchase or viewing an email.

When you truly know your customer, you can make them feel valued.




With all customer touchpoints sharing data & automatic communication triggers, you can be sure the right message reaches your customer, at the right time, every time.

Customer Data

Purchase History





Subscribed to SMS loyalty

reads blog

Opens weekly emails


Powerful Tools, meet Strategic Templates.

We provide situationally specific templates to get you from ideation to execution in record time. More than just design, our templates include everything from purchase confirmation emails to helpful customer service chat bots. Our templates go beyond just “starting points”.

A better start

How businesses are using Leap360

Select any of these businesses to see how they use Leap360.






Salon & spa


Play Area


coffee shop


Financial Consultant

With usage based pricing, you can mix and match features to build your ideal business tool.

We’ve taken powerful features capable of running a large business, and simplified the licencing to scale with an organization of any size.

It’s big business made accessible.


All the tools you need to effectively

inform, communicate, & connect.